Case Studies

Finding a career with purpose - Trish’s candidate experience with Moxie

“One of the many things that really stood out to me about Keeran was his compassion and genuine interest in my wellbeing”.

We’re loving the opportunity to celebrate our Moxie family with The Moxie Chronicles. We have seen so many amazing individuals enter meaningful employment the Moxie way, and it only feels fitting to shout about them in all their glory.

Next up, we present the brilliant Trish from Llamau.

This was Trish’s first permanent role in the supported housing sector - a space she was (and is!) passionate about. We were over the moon to help her secure this exciting position and have avidly watched her flourish since starting.

We sat down to chat about her experience with Moxie and how the new job is going.

Hey Trish - it’s great to speak to you today. Could you kick things off by telling us about your new role and how you’re finding it?

Absolutely! I am a Prison Leavers Support Assistant at Llamau. It’s an in-house role where I support prison leavers as they move back into the community. I have a degree in Criminology and it felt like the perfect role with lots of transferable skills.

Since starting, I have to say that the training has been fantastic. It’s so thorough, especially between the e-learning and real-life experience; all bases really are covered. The staff have also been so welcoming and have actively encouraged me to ask questions and make suggestions.

The overall feel of working for Llamau is family and staff wellbeing above all else. The company has really demonstrated how seriously they take their staff's wellbeing and have so many provisions in place to support staff at every level.

I’ve been treated as if I've been part of the team for years. Everyone I've encountered has been friendly, kind and made me feel immediately at home within the company. During my induction, I've made friends who I now consider friends for life.

The work has been interesting so far. I've really enjoyed it but have found it a little hard to adapt. I've come from a very supportive environment before this job and working at Llamau, although support is always available for the service users, there is a massive encouragement of independence.

It's so nice to see the young people thriving and living their lives whilst also having access to support when they need it. There's a great balance.

Wow - it sounds like you jumped in with both feet from the word go! Could you tell us how you came to find Moxie and what challenges you were facing at the time?

I was working in an agency support based role and the shifts weren’t guaranteed. I loved the work while I was there, but it wasn’t reliable and I desperately wanted a permanent position. I also really wanted to utilise my criminology degree, but it’s hard to break into that area.

I had already spoken with Moxie around 6 months prior, so when I saw this role advertised under Moxie I immediately recognised them. This alleviated any nerves that might have been there, so I decided to enquire about the role.

And we’re so glad you did! What was it that made you decide that you wanted to work with us to find your dream role?

I’d already communicated with the Moxie team and it had been a really good experience, so it felt like an obvious opportunity to reach out again. The job itself was also incredibly appealing since it was still within the support sector but in a totally different area; one that I wanted to move into but just didn’t know how. Everything just felt right.

Image showing Keeran with a testimonial saying "What really stood out was Keeran and his compassion and genuine interest in my wellbeing.".

That’s music to our ears - we like to think of it as gaining the same rewards but with a different focus. It’s something we see often and so we’re passionate about encouraging candidates to explore different client types before leaving a sector (such as support!) altogether. We’re over the moon that this approach worked for you! How did the rest of the process feel?

I was paired up with Keeran and I cannot credit him enough! After expressing an interest in the role, he rang me up to give me more information. He basically told me that he thought I'd be perfect for the role - a huge confidence booster for sure.

I then sent him my CV and he tweaked it so that it was as appropriate and impactful as possible for the role. I was offered an interview and we spent a good deal of time prepping the day before. He told me questions he thought they would ask and we worked through some answers together. Again, this helped my confidence enormously.

One of the many things that really stood out to me about Keeran was his compassion and genuine interest in my wellbeing. I told him that I had my own mental health issues, and he was incredibly mindful about it. He was always there, providing constant support. On the day of the interview, he rang me to wish me luck. I was convinced that I hadn’t done well so I emailed him afterwards saying exactly that - he immediately rang and reassured me.

The interview had been on a Friday and I was catching a ferry on the Monday. We’d agreed that if I didn’t get the job, he’d email me so that it didn’t ruin my holiday. If I did get it, he’d call me. I was about halfway to the ferry terminal and my phone rang. As well as making me feel amazing for securing the job, Keeran continued to give me further advice. Even beyond securing the job, there were a few minor issues (for example, I wasn’t aware that there was a project delay which meant I didn’t have a start date or a contract for a while): Keeran was on it.

He took charge and sorted it all out for me. He even arranged shadow shifts so that I could start working alongside the team for initial experience before the role officially started. Honestly, he was amazing. I can’t imagine what the experience would have been like without him.

His ears will be seriously burning right now. Thank you so much for your kind words Trish - overall, would you say it’s been a success?

Definitely - I got the job! There’s no greater success than that. I would recommend Moxie to anyone. Not only were they first class in a professional capacity, but their care and attention when it came to my mental health was so very appreciated. They are 100% fantastic.


Trish, what a joy it’s been speaking with you! A heartfelt thank you for giving us the time to talk through your Moxie journey. If you’re ready to take the next step in your career, then head over to the ‘job seekers’ section of our website.