Case Studies

Supporting Llamau to find great people for the My Way Home Partnership.

It’s hard enough finding one epic candidate for a role, let alone nine. Add into the mix a very specific set of skills and core values, and you could quickly find yourself in a sticky situation.

This is precisely the problem that Sue Carter from Llamau was facing when she first approached us in August 2022. Moxie was front and centre of her mind when she realised she needed a helping hand getting Llamau’s recruitment drive off the ground.

Results at a glance

  • A focus on quality, quality, quality

    100% of the jobs required filled with exceptional employees with 100% start rate

  • Super speedy turn-around

    20 day turnaround from first advertising the roles to job offers being accepted

  • Tight deadlines? No problem

    Project launched on time and supported by a fantastic team

  • Aligned values

    14 years of experience dedicating our time and effort to uniting charities with the best talent

About the project

Sue and her team had just two months to source the right people for this important recruitment drive. Candidates up until that point didn’t possess the experience, background or skills required. Plus, internal recruitment efforts weren't able to find the right candidates with the required backgrounds by the go-live date.

Read our latest case study with the fantastic team at Llamau to learn how we supported their volume recruitment project supporting the My Way Home Partnership.

"There were no challenges throughout the whole process - I could always access the Moxie team and there was never no solution. They got it done in a quick and efficient way. I’m so grateful for their support - I had a lot hinging on filling the team and they managed to find me a banging team!

The thing is, when you’re weighing up whether to invest in a recruitment agency, there is of course a financial commitment that comes with it. However, the quality of the staff that Moxie came back with made it worth its weight in gold. The calibre of candidates was second to none and we hope that they will all remain long-term members of staff".

Sue Carter, Llamau.

Image to show the case study between Moxie People and Llamau

Learn more about our charity volume recruitment projects

If you're interested in learning how team Moxie can help get your project off the ground, get in touch with one of the team. We have over 14 years of experience combined of dedicating our time and effort to uniting housing associations and charities with the very best talent. We’ve made it our 9-5, so you can get back to doing what you love!