Moxie News

Quarter 1 Roundup | Doing things the Moxie way.

Where oh WHERE have the past 3 months gone?! Just like that, our first quarter of 2023 is drawing to a (pretty impressive!) close - and we’ve packed in a huge deal throughout that time. And we want to celebrate. We want to give the entire Moxie team a microphone and shout about what has been an exciting and totally transformative quarter: not just for us, but for our community.

You know the drill. Pour a cup (or glass 🥂) of something delish, cwtch up and have a gander at our quarter 1 highlights.

Moxie People’s Quarter 1 Review.

This quarter has brought with it a lot of growth and reflection. While in some areas we’ve burst forward at 100 miles an hour, in other ways we’ve hit the brakes and taken a moment to peel back the layers so that we can analyse what we’re doing and how we can do it better.

  • Teamwork makes the dreamwork. This quarter we’ve expanded by not one, not two but three new kick-ass recruiters. It’s safe to say we’re all kinds of excited about it. Give a big Moxie welcome to Brett Healey (our new Talent Partner focused on Private sector Cost & Project Management, Property and Building Services.), Libby Davies (our Talent Coordinator on the charity desk) and Yaingy Chan (Talent Manager for the Tech for Good space). Each brings with them bags of experience and - even more importantly - a real desire to work for a purpose-led organisation. They’re in-cred-ible. So, watch this space. We’re sure you’ll be hearing more about them soon.

  • Same same, but different. You may have noticed a new phrase in the Moxie dictionary up there - ‘ Tech for Good’ 👆👆It’s an area we’ve wanted to add to our portfolio for a loooong time, and now - with the addition for Yaingy to the team - we’ve been able to make it a reality. Everything we do at Moxie comes back to how recruitment can (and should!) be used as a vehicle to long lasting change and impact. Tech for Good slots in seamlessly to that ethos. We can’t wait to see how this Moxie arm develops. We’re all rooting for you, Yaingy!

  • Caryl wrecked the mic. Moxie’s very own Caryl spoke at the recent HR Disrupt event in Tramshed Tech’s Newport venue. Her presentation was SEAMLESS, and she absolutely smashed it in front of a crowd of fellow HR professionals. Sam and Rich also took to the stage to chat about all things Working Wardrobe and the story behind the project. They all did Moxie proud!

  • Game, set, match. Keeran got his game on for his ‘Gaming for Good’ challenge. The charity challenge saw him take on a 12 hour stretch of non-stop gaming, all in the name of Llamau. Our Kezza raised £170 - an immense achievement, we think you’ll agree?

  • Practise what we preach. Moxie People enjoyed two volunteering days as a team - one was spent helping unload an enormous suit donation from Moss Bros for Working Wardrobe (more on that later), and the other at Insole Court - a gorgeous Victorian property which is operated by the Insole Court Trust (where our Caryl sits on the board). We donned the overalls and got our hands dirty with a fun day of painting.

  • The 9-Day Fortnight 💥This quarter, we also firmed up our 9-day fortnight. The team now work a 4 days a week, every other week. It’s part of our aim to look after team wellbeing and promote better work-life balance - something that can be tough to find in recruitment!

  • Relocation, relocation, relocation. This one’s a biggun - we also shut the door on One Central Square for the final time. We absolutely LOVED our first ever office… It really was a corker. But, all good things come to an end. As Moxie rapidly expanded, we started to outgrow our previous working space. We’ve now set up shop on Cathedral Road, right opposite Kin & Ilk - a dangerous spot for the caffeine addicts in the office! We’re knee deep in Moxification… Picture a quirky space with our purple brand running throughout and loads of opportunities for collaboration and high performance. This amazing new space will enable us to grow our team up to 12 people - big things are coming!

The team stood in front of a neon 'Moxie' sign holding balloons.

Working Wardrobe’s Quarter 1 Review.

Working Wardrobe has seriously smashed it this quarter. Like, knocked it out the park, pinched ourselves a few times, mic dropped and then pinched ourselves again levels of smashed it. Here we share our top moments for #TeamWW in the past few months.

  • Why hellllllo Rachel! Thanks to funding from Cardiff Council, we were able to hire our first paid employee - the amazing Rachel Rodrigues 🤩Rachel has joined us after 18 years of working with homeless people, mostly recently with Pobl Group. Rachel is our new Project Manager for Working Wardrobe and she’s already had a staggering impact. She’s got oodles of experience and energy and we are over the moon that she’s joined forces with Moxie!

  • The only way is up 🆙This quarter, we’ve opened two new hubs in Monmouthshire with Monmouthshire Housing and another in Cardiff with Cardiff Community Housing. This wouldn't be possible without the generous funding that we receive from our epic partners, including Hale Construction who helped us open up our new Cardiff hub. Thanks team!

  • The next generation. Rachel (alongside our Rich) attended a University of South Wales careers fair, sharing their top employment tips and also raising awareness of Working Wardrobe. The event was super well attended and gave us a brilliant platform to introduce students to Moxie and Working Wardrobe, showing how we can help them through both organisations.

  • Stick a pin in it. We spent a good chunk of time this quarter reflecting and consolidating. It’s been a busy first 18 months for Working Wardrobe, and we want to make sure that our processes are as slick as possible and that our structure is supporting the community in the best way possible. So, we’re getting our ducks in a row so that we can move forward to purpose and open more hubs in late 2023!

Moxie Foundation’s Quarter 1 Review.

While it’s been quieter in the world of the Moxie Foundation this quarter, it’s all been for a positive reason. As we have with other areas of our organisation, we’ve taken this time to explore how the foundation has worked up until now, and what we could do to improve it.

Following lots of brilliant and insightful conversations, we realised that our current model of offering several grants of £250 has limited potential for impact. They ended up feeling like more of a sticking plaster, rather than an opportunity for people to really experience a positive change - while having the space to make mistakes along the way.

We are still finalising details, but the new delivery model will feature far larger grants. We appreciate that the path into recruitment is far from straightforward, and so we want grant recipients to have more freedom and flexibility. It’s also important to us that people know that we are here to support them beyond the grant - we won’t let them down.

Keep your eyes peeled - more to come soon!


See? We told you this quarter was a banger. A huge thank you to the team, our partners, clients and our entire community. Now… What do you think quarter 2 holds? 😱